Definition of Shooting iron

1. Noun. A firearm that is held and fired with one hand.

Definition of Shooting iron

1. Noun. (chiefly US idiomatic dated) A firearm, especially a handgun. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Shooting Iron

shooting box
shooting brake
shooting circle
shooting circles
shooting galleries
shooting gallery
shooting guard
shooting guards
shooting iron
shooting lodge
shooting one's load
shooting preserve
shooting preserves
shooting range
shooting ranges
shooting rights
shooting script
shooting spree
shooting sprees
shooting star
shooting stars
shooting stick
shooting sticks

Literary usage of Shooting iron

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. An American Glossary by Richard Hopwood Thornton (1912)
"1847 The settlers generally conceded that his " shooting- iron " was ... 1846 Ho said his old shooting iron would go off at a good imitation of a bear's ..."

2. The Salt Lake City Directory and Business Guide, for 1869 by Edward L Sloan (1869)
"The value of a good and efficient "shooting iron" is beyond question, to FOR DEFENCE IN A FRONTIER COUNTRY, In repelling AN INDIAN ATTACK, It In invaluable; ..."

3. General Butler in New Orleans: History of the Administration of the by James Parton (1864)
"George Scott to have a shooting-iron. Perhaps Duryea's men would be awkward ... George Scott had a shooting-iron. This plan, the joint production of the ..."

4. General Butler in New Orleans: History of the Administration of the by James Parton (1864)
"George Scott to have a shooting-iron!" So, the first suggestion of arming a ... George Scott had a shooting-iron. This plan, the joint production of the ..."

5. General Butler in New Orleans: History of the Administration of the by James Parton (1864)
"George Scott to have a shooting-iron!" So, the first suggestion of arming a ... George Scott had a shooting-iron. This plan, the joint production of the ..."

6. The Archaeological Journal by British Archaeological Association (1911)
"A gun of 60 to 70 cwts. shooting iron balls, should have them made of a diameter of 240111. and a ... now shooting iron balls, being taken as a basis. ..."

7. Dictionary of Americanisms: A Glossary of Words and Phrases Usually Regarded by John Russell Bartlett (1860)
"SHOOTING-IRON. A common Western term for a rifle, or fowling-piece. Drop your shooting iron, or ye 'll get more than ye 'll send. —A Stray Yankee in Texas. ..."

8. Letters and Extracts from the Addresses and Occasional Writings of J. Beete by Joseph Beete Jukes, C. A. Browne (1871)
"And it aboundeth in grouse, and in partridges, and in woodcocks, and in hares, and in all manner of game; and I will bring with me my shooting-iron, ..."

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